Hi everyone! I have the IPhone 5S and the only way to get music is buying them on iTunes. I'm not really a fan of iTunes so instead I replaced it with spotify. Spotify is hands down my favourite app on my phone and I think its actually my favourite app from the entire app store. Basically what it is, is a music player but for £9.99 per month you can get unlimited music instead of paying £1.99 just for one song on the iTunes store. I have a bunch of playlists on there that I just listen to day to day.
I promised you guys a music playlist quit a while ago and I think its about time I share it with you. I take my headphones/phone everywhere with me whether its to college, a café or just blogging in my bedroom.
So if you guys are interested in what music I listen to, I will link my spotify down below so you can go follow my playlist and keep an eye out for when I update it. There's a blend of music from slow songs to upbeat rap, so without further ado lets head on over to the playlist.
My spotify playlist → Lifeinthesefastlanes
If this link doesn't work for you then just download spotify, search for 'mingeysgirl' (my username) and then look for my playlist 'lifeinthesefastlanes '. Hope you like it. Big kiss! S.
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TWITTER→ @SkylarLivell