

Personally I am so grateful to be apart of this generation, where we can express our unique selves and communicate with people from across the world. I am inspired everyday by people's creativity though the use of social media.
Of course Instagram is only telling you half of that individuals story. Everyone, myself included, choose to only present the highlights of their life. However, that does not mean their are no set backs in life. That does not mean I've ever pretended to be someone that I'm not. I prefer to keep the sad parts of my life off of social media because they're in the past! I'd rather forget those down moments, than remember them every time I scroll through my feed. 

Social media is a tool! You choose what you want people to see, what message you want to send them and you decide whether it has a positive or negative impact on your life. And, when you start to think it's becoming addictive, you alone have responsibility to switch off your phone/laptop and disengage from social media. There is a yin and yang to everything. Whilst most people use social media as inspiration for their own images, some people tend to compare, start to feel jealous...all leading to cyber bullying. Like I said, you choose how you use social media whether it's positively or negatively.
For the first time, we all have the power to show the world who we really are. It gives us more opportunities than ever, such as being able to speak to others around the world or even promote self businesses. 
It's important to acknowledge that everyone's opinion is different and many people may not agree with mine. But hey, social media is their for you to share your opinions with the world, so go ahead. 
This is a powerful tool open to everyone and I hope that people choose to use it for their good intentions. #chooseyourreality

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