Hi everyone! I have been nominated by a very lovely blogger, Fabi, for the one lovely blog award. I'm deeply thankful and honoured to receive this award. I've met so many nice people through blogging and I've been invited to so many nice events.
I'm also very close to 300 followers and you have no idea how good that makes me feel, so thank you =)
Anyway, here are the rules:
1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
2. You must list the rules and display the award.
3. You must add 7 facts about yourself.
4. You must nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
5. You must display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you.
So here are the interesting facts about me:
1. I think this one you guys all ready know, but I'm completely addicted to cats! I love my cats and anything with cats on it!
2. I'm currently studying Dance, Photography, Journalism and English in college.
3. I've been blogging for about 3-4 months now, I'm almost at 300 followers.
4. I live in black, grey and white! (Comfort zone)
5. My fashion sense changes everyday, sometimes its tomboy, casual or most of the time its classy.
6. I have 6 cats at the moment (Told you I'm crazy about them)
7. I cherish my family, friends and my blog readers a lot!
Life's about taking the initiative, so I'm making a little change to the rules. Basically, I love my blog readers and I think that everyone deserves this award. So if your a new blogger reading this, then I nominate you for the award and I look forward to reading them! Big kiss! S.
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TWITTER→ @SkylarLivell